The Light Table program, conversely, allows each of the curves to be simply "moved around", one at a time, in any order, until a satisfactory coordination is achieved, and the device parameters are then obtained as a result. This creates a very user friendly atmosphere, since there is no constant "back and forth" cycle that the user must navigate between the drawing and various parameter input edit boxes, and there is no annoying flicker caused by complete screen erasures followed by re-draws of the entire collection of devices.
Relays, Fuses, and Reclosers may be easily added to a study from corresponding pull down menu item list boxes. Cooper microprocessor reclosers are also available, which can have operating time curves that seem quite spectacular to anyone who has not seen them before. Existing devices in a study may also be replaced from the menu bar, or deleted. Entire "cases" (combinations of devices comprising a particular coordination) may be saved and recalled at any time. Complete operating directions and an overview of the program may be obtained from the Help pull down menu.
The Light Table program runs under Windows 95/98.